Why subscribe?

Ketman “is a mental defence. It is a way of living with contradiction. It allows those adept at it to create private sanctuaries of the mind, untouched by compromise, even as compromise floods the rest of their lives.” 1 American Ketman is a strategy that those of us who are not true believers in social justice and identity politics have to adopt to keep our jobs.

I started this blog with the intent of looking at the left and right sides and then finding the middle ground. But what I found was that the left is tyrannical and has no use for logic and reasoning. So now, I do my best to expose the lies of leftist, socialist, Marxist groups. In my writing, the ultimate goal is truth, even if it means I have to adjust my worldview.

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Subscribe to American Ketman

Ketman is a mental defence. It is a way of living with contradiction. It allows those adept at it to create private sanctuaries of the mind, untouched by compromise, even as compromise floods the rest of their lives.


Public-school teacher by day, freelance writer by night. I'm currently focused on exposing the flaws of leftist ideology and the lies of the fake news organizations, including AP, Reuters, the CDC, etc. More at www.rlmartinwrites.com.